Today’s State of the Church: Culture is leading the Church

Pulpit Empty Church
  • Barna: Thousands Of Pastors Have Become Leaders Of A Movement Away From God, Toward Narcissism
  • Parishioners in the United Kingdom were shocked and appalled in November to hear a University of Cambridge student pontificate during his chapel message that Jesus Christ is transgender.
  • …what’s more alarming is an increasing unfaithfulness to the Scriptures by pastors of Christian congregations across the United States.
  • A 2022 survey of 1,000 Christian pastors across seven major groupings of denominations revealed that only 37% of clergy have a Biblical worldview.
  • Among evangelical pastors surveyed, 30% said they don’t believe that their salvation is based exclusively on confessing their sins through repentance and accepting Jesus Christ as their Savior.
  • 39% of evangelical pastors reject that there is absolute moral truth and instead contend that each individual must determine their own truth.
  • 37% said that having a faith matters more than which faith you have.
  • [In Conclusion]…the prevailing worldview for 88% of Americans, Barna said, is syncretism, defined as a personalized or customized worldview dictated by an individual’s preferences, desires and subjective truth claims. “Worldview is important because you do what you believe,”
  • “Because pastors teach what they believe, many churches are becoming centers of syncretism and secular thought,” Barna continued. “Perhaps without even realizing it, thousands of pastors have become leaders of a movement away from God, toward narcissism.”

Read the original article by clicking here.