Anti-Christianists Target South Dakota Football Team

A hostile anti-Christian organization has now set its sights on a high school football team in South Dakota.

The virulent anti-Christian group Freedom From Religion Foundation sent a threatening letter to the Aberdeen School District because an alleged “anonymous complaint” to their organization said coaches were praying with the team before football games.

“It is illegal for a public school to organize, sponsor or lead prayers at public school events,” the group claimed. “More notably, federal courts have specifically held public school coaches’ participation in their team’s prayer circles unconstitutional.”

The school conducted an investigation as demanded by the group and ordered all coaches to not pray with the team.

Members of the community were outraged that the out-of-state anti-Christian group is interfering with their local community and local high school.

“I think it is appropriate for coaches to join students in their prayer. After all they are a team, and the coach is part of a team. He is part of that community,” Pastor Bob Myers said. “I think as long as students initiate it, the coach has every right to express himself in that same way.  . . . There’s all kinds of school districts that are saying this can’t be done, and you can’t do this, but I think that’s a violation of the coach’s religious rights under the constitution.”