New Test Could Detect Alzheimer’s

Scientists in Britain have developed a test that would allow doctors to find markers indicating the onset of Alzheimer’s disease.

A report on the test was delivered at the Alzheimer’s Research UK Conference which also stated a “quick and easy test” was being developed for use in health clinics.

The test looks for items in the blood that are different between healthy adults and those developing the disease. The diagnosis could allow for earlier and better treatments to delay the more debilitating effects of Alzheimer’s.

Professor Kevin Morgan of the University of Nottingham said they still have to validate the test but was very optimistic.

“Our findings are exciting because they show that it is technically possible to distinguish between healthy people and those with Alzheimer’s using a blood test,” Morgan said. “As blood tests are a fast and easy way of aiding diagnosis, we are really encouraged by these findings and the potential they hold for the future.”

Morgan also said the test could help determine the best course of treatment.

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