Hobby Lobby Draws Broad Support In Lawsuit Against ACA

Hobby Lobby, who has filed a lawsuit against the Affordable Care Act because of its regulations forcing them to violate their religious beliefs, is finding a broad base of support for their suit.

“Where else do you see Catholics, evangelicals, Mormons, Muslims, Hindus and Jews coming together?” Lori Windham, senior counsel for the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty asked. “Religious freedom is important to Americans of all faiths, and we hope the Supreme Court will protect that freedom.”

The owner of Hobby Lobby, David Green, said that his chain would close rather than have the Obama Administration force their beliefs on his family and company.

Hobby Lobby has openly operated through Christian principles since its founding in 1972. The store closes on Sundays, donates more than 10% to charity and pays its employees more than the minimum wage.

The Affordable Care Act forces employers to provide abortion-causing drugs to their employees which Christian business owners say violates their religious freedom.

3 thoughts on “Hobby Lobby Draws Broad Support In Lawsuit Against ACA

  1. Thank you Hobby Lobby! We will never win anything from our Bill of Rights if people like you do not stand up to their ugly tactics. They try to do their bad deeds behind CLOSED DOORS ON FRIDAY NIGHT AT MIDNIGHT , right?, before any of us everyday people can fight in any form or fashion. God bless you and I so hope it works. I am sure if you give any one of us an assignment, we would jump to help. The fragrance of our prayers for you are on their way up to our Almighty Jesus and Lord.

  2. I fully support Hobby Lobby in there Rights, As we all seek to keep America FREE.
    Or we will soon become a third world country, Without the very one that made America
    The Greatest country on earth,”( GOD )” , And his grace on America.

    May we all share our love for our free country, As other try to take it from us.! !

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